How to cure Eczema naturally

Click on the link above to read on how to use these natural ingredients : 

1.    Aloe Vera Juice

2.    Applying Coconut Oil

3.    Take Only Warm Baths

4.    Vitamin E Oil

5.    Honey

6.    Epsom Salt Bathing

7.    Olive Oil

8.    Organic Cucumber

9.    Chamomile

10.  Apple Cider Vinegar

11.  Neem And Turmeric

12.  Fish Oil

Colours to Wear in Interview


1) Black: Leadership
Black is a color that is taken seriously. 
2) Blue: Team Player
Blue is one of the best colors to wear on a job interview because is exudes trust and confidence.  
3) Gray: Logical/Analytical
Wearing gray communicates independence or isolation. 
4) White: Organized
Hiring managers think that white means you're "organized" since any chaos at all and you may find yourself with a stain on that white outfit.
5) Brown: Dependable
This earthy color means  warmth, safety, reliability, and dependability.
6) Red: Power
Red conveys passion and power and is the best color to wear when you're trying to persuade or impress someone.

8 Signs You Overspent

Read HERE for details

1. You couldn’t survive financially without your job’s income for at least six months.

2. You’re saving less than 10% of your pay. 

3. Your mortgage payment is more than one week’s salary.

4. Your credit card balance has remained the same for the past year.

5. You buy big-ticket items through interest-free, deferred-payment offers because you think you’ll be able to afford it next year.

6. You use one credit card to pay another credit card’s balance.

7. You pay an overdraft fee on your checking account every three to four months or more.

8. Before buying something, you often think, “I know I shouldn’t, but…” 

How People Read YOU

Read details HERE

1. From Your feet

2. Cosmetic on your face

3. From your Teeth

4. Clothes you wear

5. Spaces you take

5 Things To Do After Buying A New Phone

For details read HERE

1. Write down the serial number and IMEI

2. Install anti-theft software

3. Don’t install suspicious apps

4. Protective case / Screen layer

5. Insurance policy

How to do Better Negotiation

Take from HERE. Please read the elaboration on each point there.

1. Butter Up

2. Ask About "Exceptions"

3. Offer Solutions

4. Reference Store Policies

5. Stay Positive

6. The Power of Silence