Mark Zuckerberg jumpa Jesse Eisenberg dalam SNL

Ni first time pelakon "The Social Network" Jesse jumpa Mark dalam live talk show. Hehe. Lawak jugak la. Klik link di sini untuk baca lebih lanjut. :D

4 Jenis Barang yang Tidak Patut Dibeli di Pasaraya

Berikut antara barang-barang yang tidak patut di beli di pasaraya. So nak beli kat mana? Kat kedai yang menjual barang tersebut secara khusus ataupun dengan diskaun. Sebab utama adalah barang-barang ini dijual dengan harga agak mahal di pasaraya. Tapi ada juga barang2 yang murah di pasaraya so make sure always do the SURVEY first. :)

1. Peralatan masak dan dapur.

2. Alat2 kosmetik, tandas dan barang2 persendirian.

3. Barang letrik kecil2 seperti toaster, coffee maker dll.

4. Bateri, lampu, extension cords dan barang2 hardware lain.

Barang-barang ini agak mahal dijual kat supermarket, kecuali kedai2 special yang jual terus barang2 tu. Ada satu tips kalau korang nak beli alatan letrik macam TV atau lain2. Beli kat the COURTS masa dorang buat promosi. Aku beli TV Toshiba Regza 40 inci dengan harga RM2,400 sahaja. Itu pun unit last yang dorang buat diskaun.

How to Avoid Sabotaging your Career

Tips ni bagus untuk diamalkan untuk mengelakkan kareer anda rosak. :)

1. Keep your focus on the networking part of social networking.
You have to set boundaries as to how you use various social networks (e.g. Facebook for personal, LinkedIn for professional) and make sure you communicate those boundaries so that feelings aren't hurt. While Facebooking has become a part of many people's workdays, Levitt says, "Don't let your boss and coworkers catch you chatting and playing with Facebook applications when you should be working."

2. Avoid sending a tweet in the heat of the moment.
Twitter is a great tool to help raise your reputation. Levitt advises, "Use your real name on Twitter to network with people you wouldn't have the chance to communicate with in real life, and send them valuable information or interesting tidbits about their field. Just don't get caught up in the heat of the moment. Before you post something on Twitter, think about whether you'd want to read it on the front page of the Wall Street Journal.

3. Finding friends at the office is fine -- but don't look for love.
You spend a lot of time at the office, so it may be tempting to become involved with a colleague. She states, "You can pursue friendships in other departments and with friends of your coworkers, but don't ever date a boss or a direct report. And refrain from dating an immediate coworker unless you can handle seeing that person every day if the relationship goes south."

4. Appearances count around the office.
Don't let casual Fridays be your fashion downfall. Levit, also the author of "Success for Hire," says, "Pay attention to what constitutes business casual in your workplace (i.e. what others are wearing) and dress accordingly -- although business casual usually means khakis and a butto- down shirt. And no matter what the trend du jour is, "Don't ever wear short-shorts or flip-flops to work."

5. Practice proper email etiquette.
Almost everyone has trouble managing their inboxes these days, so don't be so quick to send unnecessary emails -- or those that might stir the pot around the office. She counsels, "Only 'reply to all' if every person on the string really needs to hear what you're saying. Always check the list of people in the 'to' and 'cc' lines before sending any e-mail. Don't hit reply too quickly in case that reply-to-all function is accidentally on, and don't use e-mail for negative or controversial discussion."

6. Think before you speak.
Converse carefully with coworkers, especially at first. "Spend more time listening than you do speaking. Show an interest in other people, but don't discuss anything that you wouldn't talk about with your grandmother or religious officiant -- especially with a coworker you don't know extremely well. In general, steer clear of sex, drugs, and politics," she reveals.

7. It's good to be heard -- but not all the time.
Watch your volume control around the office. And don't be afraid to speak up if someone else's volume is distracting you. Levit urges, "Say nicely that you're on the phone with a client and ask if he wouldn't mind keeping it down a bit. Never allow your desire to avoid confrontation affect your work effectiveness."

8. Just say "no" to complaining.
Everyone has complaints at the office, but it may be best to avoid sharing them with coworkers. She admits, "It's good to get negative emotions off your chest by venting to a close friend or family member, but don't complain at work at all -- people won't like you. Instead, think of ways to turn a bad situation into a more positive one and approach your boss and coworkers with solutions rather than problems."

9. Handle alcohol with care.
Sometimes bonding over food and/or drink is part of business. According to Levit, "It's OK to have fun at happy hour with your colleagues, but keep it to a one- or two-drink maximum. Don't drink at lunch or during daytime business meetings, and don't ever get drunk with coworkers even in evening, social settings. You'll end up saying or doing something you'll regret (and your coworkers may not forget)."

10. Know the difference between sharing and oversharing.
There's a fine line between a caring coworker and an overbearing one. She urges, "Develop close friendships with coworkers over a period of time, assessing how much you can trust them before you disclose too much personal information. However, do not assume someone is going to be your best friend just because you work in the same office eight hours a day; and when it doubt, you should err on the side of caution."

6 Tips nak beli HDTV

Ini antara tips-tips yang aku gunakan masa nak beli Toshiba Regza 40 inci aku :-

1. How big is your room?

Don't leave your home without figuring out where you're going to put your new HDTV. Measure the space, especially if you plan on putting the set in an existing media cabinet. Once you're surrounded by dozens of big-screen TVs in a store, it can be easy to lose perspective and end up with something that seemed reasonable next to its peers but dominates the space in your home.

2. How does aspect ratio affect screen size?

Aspect ratio refers to the proportion of screen width to height. High-definition televisions use a widescreen, rectangular 16:9 aspect ratio. Standard-definition TVs use a square 4:3 aspect ratio. Since screen sizes are measured diagonally (from the lower left corner to the upper right corner, for example), the diagonal measurement is shallower on a widescreen model. So, a 27-inch HDTV won't be as tall as a 27-inch standard-definition TV. You would need a 32-inch HDTV to match that height. As a rule of thumb, add five or six inches to standard TV sizes to find the equivalent HDTV size.

3. What HDTV technology is right for you?

There are currently three major HD display types:

Conventional LCD TVs are the most popular HDTVs right now, offering thin, lightweight, energy-efficient flat-panels at fairly reasonable prices.

LED-Backlit LCD TVs are the big HDTV trend this year. Sometimes marketed as LED TVs, these are actually thinner, more efficient LCD TVs backlit with light-emitting diodes (rather than fluorescent lamps). The technology allows for a brighter, more striking picture than conventional LCDs.

Plasma TVs offer excellent value. They're far cheaper and offer a better picture than conventional LCDs, though they are extremely heavy and relatively energy-inefficient.

4. What resolution do you need?

These days, most HDTVs come with either 720p or 1080p resolution. The numbers refer to the horizontal lines of pixels on the screen. The "p" stands for "progressive scan," which means that the TV draws every line every time it refreshes the picture. This results in a smoother picture than "interlacing" technology allowed for.

Although 1080p is the highest-quality HD resolution, those extra pixels effectively go to waste on screens under 40 inches in diameter. For those smaller sets, 720p provides excellent resolution. However, 1080p is essential on big-screen TVs, as they require more pixels to present the image clearly.

5. Does 120Hz matter?

Manufacturers and retailers are heavily promoting TVs with refresh rates of 120Hz or even 240Hz this year. Refresh rates indicate the frequency at which the picture is drawn on the screen. Higher rates draw the picture faster, reducing any motion blurring that occurs in fast-moving video (like sports).

Is this essential? Not really. If you're a true videophile that desires pristine images, then maybe the extra investment is worth your money. The average consumer and TV watcher won't notice a huge difference between 120Hz sets and TVs with lower refresh rates--and even experts have trouble discerning he difference between 120Hz and 240Hz.

6. What's a contrast ratio?

The contrast ratio is a measure of how well an HDTV displays the color black. Unfortunately, there is no industry standard for this term. Each manufacturer's definition can vary wildly from the next, so this specification is only useful when comparing models by the same manufacturer. In general, plasmas offer the best contrast, followed by LED-backlit LCDs, followed by conventional LCDs.

7. Are Internet-ready TVs worth the extra cost?

Since most HDTVs offer excellent picture quality by any standards, manufacturers now offer models with bells and whistles attached, like built-in Internet access via Ethernet or even wi-fi. These sets allow direct video streaming from services like Netflix. Some even support widgets for Facebook, Twitter, Flickr and the like. These features are all definitely cool, but it's probably worth waiting a while for this concept--and the infrastructure behind it--to mature. If you are going to buy this year, Vizio and LG offer the best Web services so far.

Kredit kepada Liam McCabe

15 Tanda Teknologi Merosakkan Dunia Anda

Dunia sekarang makin berkembang dengan IT. Adakah terlalu banyak teknologi merosakkan dunia anda? Sila lihat 15 checlist di bawah :-

1. The last time you talked to your mom was via a Facebook wall post.
2. You get more excited about the latest gadgets than a kid does about Disneyland.
3. Instead of going out, you stay home and play Wii.
4. You found out your boyfriend or girlfriend was cheating on you because you checked his or her phone. (Check out the most stylish iPhone cases).
5. Days pass without accomplishing nearly as much as you used to, but you’ve got one heck of a farm going on Farmville!
6. You see nothing wrong with responding to a text in the middle of a romantic dinner.
7. You flirt more via text than in person.
8. You know the answers to all of your date's get-to-know-you questions because you've studied his (or her) Facebook and Twitter profiles.
9. You have at least three email accounts—and check them daily.
10. You Instant Message your roommate or partner…when you’re both at home.
11. You walk to the beat of your own drum, but only because you always have your headphones on and turned up to blast.
12. Thanks to your DVR,catching up on the latest TV shows and movies has replaced catching up on you and your significant other's days.
13. A cool new phone app stops you in your tracks no matter what you’re doing.
14. The most intimate sentiments between you and that special someone are usually sent via text or email.
15. Winks, pokes, and nudges are now only the virtual kind.

Apa-apa hal pun sembahyang jangan lupa. Amin.

4 Senaman untuk Tajamkan Otak

Akal kita ni ada otot. So macam tangan kita, apabila kita train dia makin lama makin gagah. Ni antara 4 senaman for you brain (xyah beli alat senaman pun :)

1. Use your non-dominant hand
Tackling new tasks improves brain capacity in younger people and has a restorative effect on mental faculties that are declining. Boost your brain power right now by performing everyday activities with your non-dominant hand. If you're right-handed, use your left hand to eat, drink, comb your hair, and brush your teeth. Try writing your name with your non-dominant hand or put your mouse pad on the other side of the keyboard.

2. Work out your brain
You have to use it or lose it! You can work out your mind just like you work out your body. Mental exercises that will keep your brain fit include doing crossword puzzles, playing chess, or memorizing names, shopping lists, and phone numbers. When I was a young boy, to keep my brain function strong, my father had me memorize Tang Dynasty poetry. Every day I had to memorize a new poem and recite it back. Learn the words to a poem or a new song and repeat them back from memory. Set aside the calculator and add manually instead. Keep challenging yourself with tasks that are new to you.

3. Move your fingers to improve your brain
Many people marvel that Asian children seem so intelligent. It could be because they use their fingers more frequently. They eat with chopsticks and at one time, they used to compute with an abacus in school. In fact, some studies have been done with children who use an abacus daily, and findings show that engaging the fingers stimulates nerve endings that go directly to the brain, increasing circulation. Take advantage of this by practicing motor activities that use your fingertips, like crocheting, knitting, and other arts and crafts where you are manipulating small parts. Try playing the piano or a stringed instrument.

4. Stimulate brain acuity with self-massage
To improve concentration and memory try this self-massage that stimulates two easy-to-find acupressure points on your neck at the base of the skull. Cross your hands behind you with the palms cradling the back of your head, your thumbs in the grooves on each side of your neck, and your index fingers crossing one another below the skull, just above the thumbs. Sit in a chair, lean your head back, and let it rest against the pressure of your thumbs and index fingers. Slowly inhale deeply through your nose and exhale through your mouth, letting your whole body relax. Do this for three to five minutes. You'll increase blood flow to the brain and at the same time relax the neck muscles, which often tense up in response to stress, constricting blood vessels in the area.

Kredit kepada Dr. Mao.

10 Tips Untuk Tidur Yang Lena

Ramai orang sekarang susah nak tidur lena (including me!). Berikut tips2 supaya anda dapat tidur dengan lena. Selamat mencuba!

1. Exercise most days, even if it’s just to take a walk.
2. No caffeine after 6:00 p.m.
3. An hour before bedtime, avoid doing any kind of work that takes alert thinking. Addressing envelopes—okay. Analyzing an article—nope.
4. Adjust your bedroom temperature to be slightly chilly.
5. Keep your bedroom dark. Studies show that even the tiny light from a digital alarm clock can disrupt a sleep cycle. We have about six devices in our room that glow bright green; it’s like sleeping in a mad scientist’s lab.
6. Keep the bedroom as tidy as possible. It’s not restful to fight through chaos into bed.
7. Breathe deeply and slowly until you can’t stand it anymore.
8. If your mind is racing (you’re planning a trip, a move; you’re worried about a medical diagnosis), write down what’s on your mind. 
9. Slather yourself with body lotion. This feels good and also, if you’re having trouble sleeping because you’re hot, it cools you down.
10. If your feet are cold, put on socks.

I know I said ten, but this another tips :- Bayangkan kambing biri2 lompat pagar and then count them! Never try this before and don't know their effectiveness. Hehe.

Tips untuk kekal selamat di Facebook

Sekarang boleh dikatakan setiap orang dalam Malaysia ni memiliki Facebook (FB). So terdetik rasanya nk post langkah2 keselamatan boleh diguna bersama untuk kekal selamat di FB ni.

Never post your exact date and place of birth. It's invaluable information to identity thieves, particularly when the two are bundled together.

Never post your address, phone number or email address. This is plum information to scammers and marketers who are looking for nuggets of your identity.

• Control who can see your personal information. Many social-networking sites have privacy features, but they change often. Know what they are, stay on top of them and restrict your page to your real friends, not friends of friends or someone you met in a bar.

• Limit information about your activities. If you must brag about a trip or a fabulous party, do it after the fact.

• Remember that what you post is public and permanent. Don't put up embarrassing photos that you wouldn't show your grandmother. Don't complain about your job or your boss. Don't say something to or about someone that you wouldn't say to his face. Don't threaten others.

• Know the four types of Facebook users: friends, outsiders, businesses and enemies.

• You should know exactly who wants to be your friend or is asking you to link into their network. Some people will befriend your friends to get to you or your company.

• Be wary of seemingly harmless quizzes. When someone invites you to take a survey, say, "10 Things Others Don't Know About You" or "My Favorite Things," it may be designed to harvest your data. The name of the street you grew up on or your favorite vacation spot could be clues to your passwords.

• Before you share any information anywhere online about yourself or your workplace, ask this question: What would the consequences be if this information fell into the hands of my boss, competitor or people who don't like me?

So ini antara langkah keselamatan patut kita guna. Bak kata pepatah, better late than never. Hehe.